Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Astrology Books

These day I am reading LIGHT ON LIFE - An introduction to the Astrology of India by Hart Defouw and Robert Svoboda. This is little different from rest of the Books in the market. The Difference lies in fact:

a) Authors doesn't take for granted that reader will be little knowldegeable in the field of Astrologer.
b) None of the Indian Author has given examples why Planets are lord of 12 houses.. is there a story behind it.. this is the first Book I came across which has mentioned the story and that is quite logical also.
b) When they try to teach you yoga..they tell in such a way that some great Indian astrologers could not done so far.
Anyhow this is little costly book.. penguin edition is Rs 350/- however it is worth it.
Have a great reading.

From Bhavarth Ratnakar - Taurus

1. Neither is Saturn a yogakaraka, nor do Sun and Mercury confer any fortunes if they’re in lagna
2. If there’s a Mars-Jupiter combination in Capricorn or Rahu is in Aquarius, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga
3. Moon is capable of producing a yoga when posited in Leo and aspected by either Jupiter or Mercury
4. Mars, when in 7th, is a benefic. If Sun and Jupiter are conjoined in Pisces, long life is indicated
5. A Jupiter-Mercury association causes dhana yoga
6. The above dhana yoga is destroyed if either planet is aspected by Mars
7. There will be debts during Mercury’s dasa if there’s an association between Mars, Jupiter and Mercury
8. Jupiter’s dasa will give mixed results whereas Mars’ dasa gives wealth. If Mercury is in a quadrant, the native is blessed with happiness during its dasa
9. If Mercury and Venus are in lagna and Jupiter is in Scorpio, Mercury dasa will be fortunate
10. If Mars and Venus are in lagna, and Jupiter is in Capricorn, both Mercury’s and Jupiter’s dasas will be fortunate
11. If Saturn, Mercury and Mars are in Capricorn, and Rahu in Pisces, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the dasas of Mars and Rahu
12. If Moon and Venus are in Libra, with Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter dasa will cause a dhana yoga
13. Lots of wealth are indicated in the Venus dasa
14. Moon in lagna isn’t very auspicious, and will afflict other dhana yogas present in the chart
15. The native becomes very fortunate if Moon is in the lagna of any sign other than Taurus

Lagna - From Bhavarth Ratnakar (For Aries)

1. A Sun-Moon combination confers rajayoga
2. Venus is a maraka
3. Jupiter becomes a maraka if he occupies Capricorn
4. A Jupiter-Saturn association doesn’t confer a rajayoga
5. An Aries native will have fear of diseases (especially smallpox), weapons and injuries
6. If Mars conjoins Mercury, death by brain disease occurs in his dasa and bhukti
7. This is the only lagna where it’s great if the 2nd lord is in the 12th; this isn’t the case with any other lagnas
8. A Mars-Venus combination can be both favorable and fatal
9. Mars, when conjoined with Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, becomes a yogakaraka
10. If the above combination occurs in Gemini, there isn’t any yoga
11. If Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cancer, he becomes a yogakaraka
12. Mars will prove a benefic during his dasa if he’s in Leo
13. Jupiter in Aquarius won’t automatically give good results in his dasa
14. A Mercury-Mars combination in Virgo gives the native skin diseases, eruptions and wounds
15. The native will possess self-earned wealth if Mars and Venus are in Libra
16. Mars, if in conjunction with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, will confer some fame
17. There’s a special yoga produced when Mars, Sun and Jupiter are in Sagittarius, with Venus and Saturn in Libra
18. Venus confers a rajayoga if he’s in lagna with the Sun and unaspected by Jupiter
19. Sun will become a yogakaraka when aspected by Jupiter; the same can’t be said for Venus when she’s aspected by Jupiter
20. A Sun-Mercury-Venus combination in Aquarius is a fortunate combination, with all three conferring riches during their dasas and bhuktis
21. When Sun is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, the native enjoys a rajayoga
22. A Sun-Jupiter-Venus combination in Capricorn helps the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga

House Significator

1st House - Your Being The first house (initial lagna) signifies the life and longevity, physical appearance and personality. It is important to realize beauty, inner and outer, is the best asset you have. “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty,” wrote the English poet John Keats (who was very influenced by Plato), adding, “That is all you need to know.” This house affects the beauty of your mind and body. It is important to develop beauty in both ways to become a joyous being.
2nd House - Finances\Energy The second house signifies finances, family life, wealth, and speech. Money and energy are synonymous. This house affects your entire money situation. Work with this house with great joy and emotion to improve finances, goals and vision. Ask the divine for help to remove negative influences affecting the mind.
3rd House - Adventures The third house signifies risk-taking, courage, younger siblings. This house influences your ability to seek adventure in life. Courage and risk-taking go together. Courageous thinking and risk-taking action are necessary to go beyond mediocre living. Nurture these qualities. Work with this house to improve your journey of exploring and increase self-esteem.
4th House - Life's Comforts The fourth house signifies material comforts, house, car, mother, education. This house affects your practical needs on the earth plane and your ability to sing, dance and enjoy music. Everyone requires a comfortable home, nice car and so on. Work with this house to open your mind to your ideal home and vehicle and to remove misconceptions about limitations. Don't blame anyone. Commit yourself to happiness and celebration.
5th House - Grace The fifth house signifies spiritual grace, virtues from previous lives, children. Luck is a gift from God. With deep faith, Divine grace is abundantly available. This house affects your emotions for faith. If there is total dedication, there will be grace. You will benefit more by dedicating your life to the Divine. Ego stops grace. This house affects your individual tools for accessing grace. If you have a natural pull toward a deity (from any tradition), if you love that deity with great emotion, you can access grace.
6th House - Challenges The sixth house signifies debts, health conditions and diseases, enemies, ligitation, accidents. Look to this house to learn how to avoid problems. Review routines and re-organize unproductive habits into productive ones. Dissolve negative attitudes and create a battle plan for afflicted areas in life. Without battle, we don't go anywhere. Other indicators for this house include: service, detailed work, pets, effort, and hard work.
7th House - Relationships The seventh house signifies relationships, partnership, marriage, business, friends. Relationship is very vital on the earth plane. It makes life meaningful. This house affects your ability to attract and materialize desires. Relationship is controlled by the Goddess. She controls all principles of attraction. At a very deep emotional level, you have to go to the Goddess. She embodies emotions, and emotions create. Look to this house to help you re-balance your energy and attract the right type of relationships.
8th House - Obstacles The eighth house signifies obstacles, longevity, losses. Obstacles are things we do not perceive in advance due to the inability of the human mind to perceive everything. All of human life revolves around finding obstacles and removing them. Sometimes people remove obstacles so future generations can benefit. Look to this house to understand obstructions in life process and the flow of energy. Strengthen yourself with a good relationship to the Sun which supports all life energy.
9th House - Gaining Wisdom The ninth house signifies fortune, wealth, reputation, spiritual life, compassion, father. Look to the ninth house for transcendental wisdom, your association with higher intelligence, your ability to walk a higher path. Divine Intelligence is a laser beam, very intelligent. Cry to God for miracles. Pray and have compassion for others. Then everything will be there.
10th House - Life's Work The tenth house signifies profession, employment, career, entrepeneurship. In Sanskrit business or job is called karma. One meaning of karma is what you do. To change profession, you must make conscious decisions and pray. Look to this house to understand time and space karma. Don't waste time. Time is money, and money is time. Those who master material wealth always have a strong awareness of time and work with daily, weekly, monthly goals with great focus. Space karma refers to where you live. Moving or taking a pilgrimage to a power spot creates new impulses of karma. You come into contact with different forces. Let God carry you.
11th House - Gains The eleventh house signifies profit, income, wealth. Profit is not always related to your doing a job or business. It can also be an investment, an inheritance, or something you do with another where you play a lesser role, but still profit. Look to this house to help you open to branch out to opportunities. You have to get rid of loser's consciousness, laziness or negative forces. When light coagulates, it becomes matter. Accessing more light is key to changing both conscious and unconscious mind into profit-orientation.
12th House - Expenditures The twelfth house signifies expenditures, travel, sleep, reincarnation, enlightenment. Expenditures can be positive, such as donations to charity, or they can be mistakes, such as overspending. Look to this house for clarifying patterns concerning expenses. This house points to your relationship with foreign lands. For example, if indications of wealth occur in the twelfth house, your money may come more easily from an import/export business whereas indications of wealth in the seventh house may indicate success through partnerships. Each house can examined in these ways in terms of relationships to other indicators.


If a planet in a sign occupies the Navamsha of that very sign, the planet is "Vargottam", In the movable, fixed and mutable signs the 1st, 5th and the last Navarnsa is respectively the "Vargottam" Navarnsa.
The signs Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra and Acquarius are respectively the Mool Trikona signs of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
For a planet to be "Vargottam" is a source of strength to that planet and often results in the good of the person having it.

Welcome to Practical Vedic Astrology

This is my first post in this blog. My main aim to be different.. don't other claim.. Yes you are right.. however I guess I don't trust astrology despite being a student of astrology for at least a year now. Simple reason being I haven't come across any single astrologer (This is my personal point of view).. whom I have discussed my future.. rather about career that they have told me something in exactly.. they have seen what actually I have seen myself about dasa, sade sati.. but there are more to Astrology then these things.. however my quest will on this blog will to find out the secrets of Astrology and make it available to each and everybody.
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